A Beginner’s Guide to David Avocado Wolfe
I put this video together because I don’t think enough people truly understand who and what David Avocado Wolfe is. He has somehow amassed over 7,000,000 Facebook followers, and I’m sure many of those followers aren’t aware that they’re essentially supporting dangerous ideas that border lunacy. Some may argue that he’s just a guy who has strange beliefs and we should leave him alone, but the ideas he pushes become hazardous and have real-world consequences when he starts giving ‘medical advice’ to people who are suffering from diseases that require real medical treatment.
Daniel Bennett of AAPN has also written a great article that completely dismantles David’s claims on salt.
Here is a great explanation on the David Avocado Wolfe phenomenon.
Here is another great article on David Wolfe.
Video clips taken from:
Music: CFCF – Oil