Atheist Against Pseudoscientific Nonsense’s
Staff Biographies
AAPN’s Staff come from all walks of life and from all over the world. AAPN is not a personal Blog but a community of contributors and volunteers. Below are the people who make AAPN what it is, thank you for your continued support and as always, stay skeptical.

Area of Expertise: An expert on GMO and/or fad foods and outrageous claims by manufacturers. Skilled in anti- apologetics, started some group full of crazy people. Associates degree in hazard analysis and critical control points, operational risk management, sanitation, food borne illness, mass food service production, restaurant management, currently studying for Bachelors in Science in Biology, Certified EMT, firefighter, damage control-man, Navy veteran and all around badass.
Area of Interest: Science, biology, human rights groups dedicated to add the case against pseudoscience

Areas of Expertise: Psychology, mental health services and statistics. PhD in Social Psychology from UC Berkeley. Mental health services analyst for San Francisco Department of Public Health. Former president of Chico Skeptics in Chico California. Member of numerous atheist/skeptics organizations.
Areas of Interest: Stereoscopic imaging (3D and VR), Burning Man (origin of Silver Man nickname), philosophy, science, science fiction

Areas of Expertise: Computer Science, Physics and Art. Geographic Information Systems, Information Technology, Mapping and Web technology, Graphic arts.
Areas of Interest: Camping, Rock music, gaming, education, techno gadgets, mythology.

Agent Smith – ;Location: Estcourt KZN South Africa
Areas of Expertise: Linguistics, handling problems that arise with swift decisive action, debunking religious apologetics.
Areas of Interest: Finding things wrong with the ideas of the world, horses and guitar and music in general